Insider Tips for Better Googling
We all want to find clever ways to shave off a precious minutes off everyday tasks.  With the tips outlined above from The Meta Picture.com, you can save time by zeroing in on exactly what you want to find with Google.

Looking for something specific?  Here's what to enter into your search bar:
  • site: only searches the pages of a specific site.
  • ~: Will also search words related to the one you've entered
  • "quotation marks": searches for the exact phrase, not each work separately.
  • - : the minus sign excludes a term from a search
  • .. : two periods between given dates will show all results within your desired timeframe.

The example illustrated above shows us how to use these shortcuts.  Don't waste any more time browsing through irrelevant search results!  Now you can find exactly what you're looking for.

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